Aristotle's Topics — 7 of 18

Hugh Burns

Release 1

Chapter 3 - Global Variables

[In which we lay out the state of the program.]

The first name is some text that varies. The first name is "Jane".

The last name is some text that varies. The last name is "Bloggs".

The subject is some text that varies. The subject is "Interactive Fiction".

The purpose is some text that varies.

The key point is some text that varies.

The ask count is a number that varies.

The explore count is a number that varies.

The topic change count is a number that varies.

[These variables are reset each time the program asks a new question.]

The unrecognized question count is a number that varies.

The exploration meter is a number that varies.

The ampersand usage flag is a truth state that varies. [It is true if the user used "&&" while answering the current question.]

The something else flag is a truth state that varies.