Aristotle's Topics — 3 of 18

Hugh Burns

Release 1

Section 1 - Line input

[Curiously, Inform offers no phrases that simply pause in the middle of running code and wait for the user to type something. BASIC has this capability, and the program makes pervasive use of it.]

Include (- Global user_input = 100; -) after "Parser.i6t".

The user input is a snippet that varies. The user input variable translates into I6 as "user_input".

To call KeyboardPrimitive: (-

KeyboardPrimitive(buffer, parse);

user_input = 100 + WordCount();


To get a line of input, ignoring blank lines:

call KeyboardPrimitive;

if ignoring blank lines:

while the user input is "":

call KeyboardPrimitive.

To wait for the user to press Return:

call KeyboardPrimitive.

To decide whether the user agrees:

get a line of input;

if the user input matches the regular expression "YE", decide yes;

decide no.